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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Laser Hair Removal Effectiveness

Laser Hair Removal Effectiveness
By Valeria McFalls

The method of removing unwanted body hair surgically by laser is gaining much popularity these days. The reason for this is simple. The treatment's technology is getting better all the time. This allows for the price to come down while getting better results. People are fed up with all sorts of cumbersome hair reduction methods such as waxing, tweezing, threading, bleaching and plucking. These methods are an enormous hassle and they don't even produce permanent results.

For males, getting rid of the back hair this way is a nightmare. Most people simply aren't lean enough to reach all the way across their backs. So some guys might want to ask their girlfriends or spouses to do it for them, but usually they feel a little embarrassed about it. Some guys simply don't want to burden their spouses with this bi-weekly chore.

But because of modern technology, we don't necessarily need to bother with non permanent hair reduction methods. Your hair can be permanently removed through the use of a laser! The laser operates by targeting the hair follicles under your skin. When the laser hits a hair follicle, the follicle absorbs the laser's heat and is eventually destroyed by it. Once a hair follicle burns up, it never recovers or regrows. It's gone permanently.

Laser Hair Removal Effectiveness

So how effective is this treatment, really? As I said, hair follicles are removed permanently. So the trick is to simply target all of the hair follicles in the body area that you wish to have treated. Once all of them are gone, you'll never grow another hair in that place. In reality, when you go in for treatment some of your hair follicles will be in resting phase. This means these follicles can't be targeted with the laser. You'll have to come back for multiple sessions to zap the follicles that were resting in the previous session. If only you get enough treatments, you will get near permanent results.

Are you male and wondering if this will work for you as well? Read "does laser hair removal work for men?" now.

Click on laser hair removal side effects to get the low down on this method.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Valeria_McFalls

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?
By Valeria McFalls

Laser hair removal treatment. It's all the rage this day and age. This cosmetic treatment was introduced almost two decades ago and it's been gaining popularity every since. The reason for this is simple. The treatment offers a quick and simple solution to an age old problem. Unwanted body hair is perceived by people to be unsightly. We want to get rid of it and we want it to be gone permanently. We used to use all sorts of painful methods such as tweezing, waxing, bleaching, plucking and threading. This is no longer necessary. These methods don't produce any permanent results and they are a real bother. Today, you can get rid of your unwanted body hair permanently.

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?

The questions that many people are now asking is... is this procedure safe? As with any surgery, there are risks, dangers and side effects. Most of these happened back in the day when this treatment was still new. These days there are not so many side effects any more. But they do still occur from time to time. The kinds of side effects you can develop are always a direct result of the laser's heat which comes in direct contact with the skin. You can develop blistering, crusting, burning, reddening and wounding of the skin.

Most of the side effects of laser hair removal treatment are temporary. But you'll want to take skin crusting and skin wounding very seriously. Wounds can get infected. Infected wounds can produce scar tissue. You're a long way from home if that ever happens to you. Get medical treatment if you are unfortunate enough to develop these side effects. Also, some people are concerned that you might get cancer from this treatment. Rest assured that the laser used in these procedure is unable to cause cancer, because it doesn't influence your body cell mechanics in any way. The radiation from this laser is harmless and cannot possibly cause cancer.

Go to laser hair removal safety to read more about the safety of this procedure.

Read more about laser hair removal side effects before having it done on yourself.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Valeria_McFalls

Laser Hair Removal Results

Laser Hair Removal Results
By Valeria McFalls

For almost two decades now, the laser hair removal treatment has been commercially available to the public. It used to cost a lot of money and it was only accessible to wealthy people. Nowadays, the enormous competition is driving the prices down significantly. The technology has become much better and the quality of the results has increased a whole lot. Because of lower prices and better results, more people are having it done. This treatment requires a trained and skilled doctor to perform it. The laser that is used on your unwanted hair follicles can do a lot of damage in the hands of un unqualified person.

Because the person that performs the surgery needs to be trained, this treatment cannot be had for pennies on the dollar just yet. A single treatment will cost anywhere from $150 - $850, depending on which body area you would like to have treated. Larger body areas will require more laser pulses. This means one session will take longer. The longer the session is, the more expensive it will be. Also take into account the denseness and thickness of your hair. The denser and thicker your hair, the longer the treatment will take. For dense hairs, multiple laser pulses are required. This drives up the cost of the procedure.

Laser Hair Removal Results

So what about the results? Pricing is not the only thing about the treatment that you want to know about. You also want to know what results to expect from it. If you go in with realistic expectations, you decrease the risk of being disappointed. The reality is that laser hair removal doesn't give you permanent results, it gives you near permanent results. With one session, it is guaranteed that not all your unwanted hairs will be destroyed. Some of your follicles will be in resting phase and cannot be harmed by the laser. For this reason, multiple treatments are usually required.

After about 3 treatments, your results will be near permanent. This means you'll have only very little hair still growing in your treated area. Most people feel these results are satisfactory.

Want to get this treatment done cheap? Learn how to find the least expensive clinic by reading cheap laser hair removal.

Click laser hair removal side dangers now to get more info about this procedure.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Valeria_McFalls

Laser Hair Removal - Bikini Line

Laser Hair Removal - Bikini Line
By Valeria McFalls

As of late, the new surgery known as laser hair removal treatment is gaining more and more steam with every passing year. This treatment addresses an age old problem that humanity is desperate to solve. I'm talking of course of unwanted body hair. Through thousands of years of evolution, we may have lost most of our hair, but some of it still remains. Some people have body hair in different areas that other people. Not all people have the same amount of body hair either. But we can all agree one one thing. Almost all body hair that is not on top of the head, is considered to be unsightly in our modern day society.

All possible body areas you can think of can be treated using laser hair removal surgery. The laser does not discriminate between hair follicles in the arm pits or on the butt cheeks. Depending on which body area you would like to have treated by the laser, you will fall into a certain price range. Most laser clinics have price rangers per body area. Some body areas are bigger than others. Some body areas are more difficult to treat than the others. But in the end, all areas can be made permanently hairless if only you get enough treatments there. A popular body area that men want treated is the back. Women often want to have something done about the bikini line.

Laser Hair Removal Bikini Line

Your bikini line is only a small area that usually doesn't have very dense hair and the hairs aren't very thick. This makes it one of the cheaper areas to treat. So if you're looking to get this particular body area treated, you are in luck. If you wanted to have your legs, arms or face laser treated, you'd have to pay much more for your treatment because these areas are much bigger. But the bikini line can usually be done for around $250 per treatment. Most of the time, 2 or at most 3 treatments will be enough to give you permanent, or at least near permanent results.

You can prepare for your treatment to get the best results. Learn how by visiting laser hair removal preparation now.

Visit my website on laser hair removal dangers to learn all you need to know.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Valeria_McFalls

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?
By Valeria McFalls

The latest rage in the cosmetics industry is laser hair removal. Gone are the days of painful hair reduction methods such as tweezing, bleaching, waxing, threading or plucking. These methods don't produce any permanent results and need to be repeated once every few weeks. Most people feel this is a real hassle and they are looking for a more permanent solution. Luckily, there is a permanent solution available now. It will cost you a pretty penny, but you're going to get real value for your money. Just think about all the time and effort that you will lose in your life if you keep reducing your hair the old fashioned way.

The laser hair removal treatment might be fairly expensive, but it might actually be cheaper for you in the long run. Especially if you keep having your body hair removed by a beauty clinic that charges you money for it. The old methods of tweezing and waxing have to be performed many times per year. So let's say you're a guy with back hair and you're paying $100 per waxing session and you do this 10 times per year. That's already a $1000 right there. And you'll be spending it every single year! For that money, you can have 1 or 2 laser treatments!

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

But what's the point of doing that if you're not sure that laser hair removal is permanent? If it's not, then you're just paying a whole lot more for the same, temporary results. Rest assured, laser hair removal is very permanent! The laser works by targeting hair follicles under your skin. These follicles absorb the laser's energy as heat and burn to a crisp. Hair follicles do not recover or grow back. They don't regenerate at all. It's possible that you will need multiple laser treatments to achieve permanent results, but your unwanted body hair will really be gone for good afterwards!

Want to learn more about how the procedure works? Visit hair removal laser surgery.

Go to laser hair removal risks right now if you'd like to learn more about this treatment.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Valeria_McFalls

Laser Hair Removal Procedure

Laser Hair Removal Procedure
By Valeria McFalls

The laser hair removal procedure is gaining a lot of popularity in these last few years. It first came to the market in the mid 1990s. Back then, it was a costly procedure that was only affordable to the rich. The results weren't always satisfactory and people developed nasty side effects on a frequent basis. Most of the people that had it done were women. But this day and age, that's all changed. The technology is a lot better now. The results are better and the side effects of the treatment are less frequent. The prices have come down considerably, making this treatment affordable to the masses. Also, more and more men are having it done today. It's no longer a taboo for men to have hair removed with a laser.

Laser Hair Removal Procedure

The procedure works by aiming a laser at the hair follicles that are producing your unwanted body hair. The laser works by depending on the natural property of colored things to absorb light. When the laser is aimed at the hair follicles below your skin's surface, it penetrates the skin and eventually hits the colored substance melanin which is present in hair follicles. The melanin absorbs the laser's energy as heat and the hair follicle is burnt to a crisp if it is given enough laser pulses.

Only the hair follicles that are currently producing hair can be zapped with the laser. Some follicles will be in a resting phase. Because of this, they will contain no melanin. The doctor won't be able to spot your resting hair follicles and even if he could, the laser still couldn't target them. At any given time, a whole bunch of your hair follicles will be in resting phase. For this reason, you will have to come back multiple times to make your results complete. After one treatment, you will be rid of much of your unwanted body hair. But to truly achieve near permanent results, it's not uncommon to have at least 3 laser hair removal sessions.

Want to learn more about pricing? Click male laser hair removal cost.

Go to the laser hair removal side effects website to read up on the dangers of this procedure.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Valeria_McFalls

Laser Hair Removal Cancer

Laser Hair Removal Cancer
By Valeria McFalls

With laser hair removal treatments becoming more and more popular these days, people are starting to ask questions about the safety of the procedure. Are there risks, dangers or side effects connected to it? The advertisements on the television and the radio will only tell you about people's success stories. The ones that have gone right. But there have been people unfortunate enough to develop severe side effects after having had a laser treatment. The side effects that you will most often encounter are the ones that are a direct result of the laser's heat on the skin.

The type of side effects we're talking about here are blistering of the skin, burning of the skin, crusting of the skin, wounding of the skin, etc. When you do develop wounds, they may become infected. This opens up the door to a whole new world of painful problems. You don't want your wounds to become infected. They'll develop scar tissue if they do. Skin crusting is also a side effect to be taken seriously. This requires medical attention right away. Other laser hair removal side effects are things such as lightening of the skin, darkening of the skin and darkening of tattoos. Skin discolorations are almost always temporary.

Laser Hair Removal Cancer

But the main questions remains. Can a laser hair removal treatment cause cancer? In this laser treatment, the laser that is used is a non ionizing one. This means the laser's radiation is composed of magnetic and electric fields that oscillate and travelling at light speed. This kind of laser can produce very intense heat in a very local area. But there is one thing that it cannot do, and that is cause cancer. In order for radiation to cause cancer, it would have to be able to severely damage small particles in your body in order to make your cells go cancerous. But any radiation that doesn't influence molecules, cannot damage your DNA and it cannot cause cancer.

Rest assured. Laser hair removal treatment does not cause cancer.

Read more about laser hair removal cancer over here.

Visit the laser hair removal side effects website for lots more information regarding this treatment.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Valeria_McFalls

Home Laser Hair Removal Machines

Home Laser Hair Removal Machines
By Will Edison

There are numerous advantages to having a laser hair removal product available for consumers to take home and treat themselves. Laser hair removal is one of the most effective methods of hair removal in terms of permanence and is very safe when used properly. Now anyone can take the laser machine home and apply the treatment to themselves as many times as necessary without having to pay for multiple sessions at a clinic.

The technique of using a laser to prevent hair from re-growing has been around for many years now. It works by targeting the root of the hair follicle and heating it with a laser until the hair is damaged and stops growing. It is much more effective than temporary solutions like shaving or waxing and much less painful than electrolysis which uses needles to send electric charges to damage the root of the hair.

A home laser hair removal machine saves people from having to spend time and effort in scheduling a visit to the clinic. Most people are too busy to make the appointment and do the necessary research, but now they have the ability to buy a product that allows them to receive the same treatment on their own time.

It can cost anything from $1,000 to $3,000 for the entire treatment at a clinic performed by a doctor. This is the approximate total cost of treating a typically sized area while a home device is more affordable costing around $800 to $1,000. Since laser hair removal requires multiple treatments over time to remove most of the hair, a take home device allows the consumer to do the procedure themselves and additional touch ups at no additional cost.

These products are quite effective and typically reduce hair by 50-80% when used properly. The results typically last over a year and touch ups are only needed about every other year. Of course to get optimal results would require regular treatment every 2 to 4 weeks for approximately 4 to 8 months and depends on the individual.

Laser hair removal is not for facial or neck areas nor is it for people with dark skin tones. For maximum effectiveness the person is ideally light skinned with dark hairs. Follow instructions that come with the home laser hair removal machine to ensure an enjoyable experience.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Will_Edison

Cosmetic Surgery Prices - How to Get the Best Prices on Your Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic Surgery Prices - How to Get the Best Prices on Your Cosmetic Surgery
By Jeremy Waller

Cosmetic surgery does not come cheap. It usually will cost thousands of dollars and is generally not covered by health insurance policies. Despite this, it is very popular and millions of cosmetic procedures are done each year. People are willing to pay a price to improve their appearance and gain more self confidence in themselves. Cosmetic surgery prices can vary a lot, depending on various factors such as the type of surgical procedure that is performed, the individual surgeon fee, the size, health and age of the person having the procedure done, the geographical location where the surgery will take place, and a number of other factors.

Just to give you an idea of how much cosmetic surgery can cost. The American Society For Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) reports that the average cost in 2008 for tummy tucks was $5,470, for eyelid surgery was $2,921, for breast augmentation $3,603-$3,885, for liposuction $2,874-$2,933 and for laser hair removal $326. These are the prices for the surgeons fees. There could be other fees that run several thousand dollars more including facilities fees and the fee for the anesthesiologist.

Another thing to note is some procedures like laser hair removal or liposuction may require multiple procedures in order for it to be effective and give you the results you want. Because cosmetic surgery prices are so high, you will of course want to save money in any way you can. One way of doing this might be to consider having surgery in a different location than where you live if you happen to be in an expensive area.

Another way of coping with the high costs of cosmetic surgery is that surgeons will often offer payment plans and there is also different types of financing available for cosmetic surgery. Whatever your final decision is, just make sure that the cosmetic surgeon you choose is experienced and has a good reputation for delivering good results so that the money you do spend is well spent.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeremy_Waller

Tips and Advantages of Laser Hair Removal

Tips and Advantages of Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal - What Are the Primary Benefits?

Laser Hair Removal - What Are the Primary Benefits?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mary, Mary, How Does Your Garden Grow... Your Lady Garden That Is!

December 03, 2009

Mary, Mary, How Does Your Garden Grow... Your Lady Garden That Is!
-- Court House Clinics is pleased to publicize the arrival of the Soprano XL laser hair removal treatment; a painless procedure to help the modern woman manage unwanted hair growth. --

LONDON, ENGLAND, December 03, 2009 /24-7PressRelease/ -- For many women managing unwanted hair growth is time-consuming and somewhat painful. The Brazilian bikini wax may have revolutionised the way women manage their pubic hair, but waxing itself is set to become redundant with new advances in laser hair removal that mean women no longer have to grin and bare it. Fast, painless and permanent, laser hair removal puts an end to endless trips to the waxing salon saving time and money and giving women the freedom to be rid of unwanted hair forever.

The arrival of the painless, Soprano XL laser hair removal treatment at Court House Clinics takes hair removal to a whole new level! Many patients have compared the sensation of the procedure to a warm massage. Soprano permanently and painlessly removes bikini hair and/or body hair in just a few short sessions, leaving you soft, smooth and fuzz free forever. It is a simple pain-free, and hair-free solution to going bare down there and in turn eliminates the need for waxing and shaving sensitive areas once and for all!

Just like the traditional bikini wax, the Soprano Laser treatment is available in different shapes and styles. All treatments utilise the Soprano XL IN-Motion gentle sweeping laser technology. This generates pulses of infrared laser energy, which gradually heat the hair follicles until they can no longer produce new hair. This is the worlds fastest and only pain free technology transforming the uncomfortable process of hair removal into an enjoyable one.

It also appears that the trend for a "tidy garden" does not stop at laser hair removal. Cosmetic surgeons at Court House Clinics have seen a steep rise in demand for "designer vaginas". Surgeons now offer Vaginal Tightening (vaginoplasty), a standard gynaecologic surgical procedure, which tightens vaginal muscles and surrounding soft tissues and labial reduction (labiaplasty) which is also performed on women who have larger than average labia minora or 'inner vaginal lips' which may protrude well beyond the 'outer lips' of the vagina. Both procedure are performed under general anaesthetic and are popular after child birth or menopause.

So in response to the question of how does your garden grow...the answer is neat and tidily with no maintenance required!

Mary is a modern empowered woman who knows just how to take care of it and thanks to Court House Clinics now you do too!

Since founding our first clinic in 1998, we have helped thousands of people improve their appearance and confidence. As Medical Director I ensure our clinics provide the most advanced and safe cosmetic treatments that are clinically tried and tested. All our doctors are members of the British Association of Cosmetic Doctors and our Medical Therapists and Nurses are trained in the latest technology, procedures and care. All our clinics are registered with the Care Quality Commission.

Dr. Patrick Bowler (MB BS LRCP MRCS DRCOG)
Co Founder of the British Association of Cosmetic Doctors

Website: http://www.courthouseclinics.com

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History Of Facial Hair Removal Techniques -

History Of Facial Hair Removal Techniques -

By: Abigail Aaronson

Many people choose to get laser face surgery to improve their look. If you are interested in looking your best and have some hair in unwanted places, then perhaps you should consider the procedure.

Many people are embarrassed because of facial hair and want to do something about it. If so, then you should do something about. There are ways for you to get that skin that you have always wanted without it hurting a lot. Many people started using methods like tweezing, shaving, bleaching or waxing to remove hair however those methods allow the hair grows back stronger and darker than before. These methods can also take a long time and can be very inefficient when trying to eliminate a lot of hair at once.

Others have used creams, which dissolve the hair and have been used on areas like the legs or the arm. When you use many of these creams around the face, they can really irritate the skin. Others have used electrolysis or low level electricity to disable or make the hair follicles inactive. However others have said that this method can really be uncomfortable and can damage the skin.

Women can get the hair around their chin and their upper lip removed via laser hair removal. It has been described as fast, easy and very comfortable. You can get it done at lunchtime because the procedure is very short and can last ten minutes. With this procedure, do not need to grow out the hair to have success with laser removal. You can also eliminate really then hairs that can be hard to pluck. For the first few visits, you will need to come back for multiple visits. It is also ideal if you have darker skin.

You should go in for a consultation and have a discussion with the doctor. Show him or her affected area and have the doctor explain to you the procedure. Then if you are comfortable, then you can get it completed that day. Since facial hair tends to get worse, you can use these methods for the rest of your life if you wish. Research all of your options and find a method that works for you.

After the procedure, the doctor will want to make sure you are in good shape if you get laser treatment. If you are, the doctor will allow you to return back to work or home after getting it done.

Many people choose to get laser face surgery to improve their look. If you are interested in looking your best then perhaps you should consider the procedure.

With laser hair removal, New Jersey based surgeon helps you wake up with clear, radiant hair-less skin-free of blemishes, red or brown spots and sun damage. To know more, visit http://www.parkercenterspa.net

Laser Hair Removal: Electrolysis Vs Laser

Laser Hair Removal: Electrolysis Vs Laser

- By: Abigail Aaronson

Facial hair can be a troubling physical attribute if you're a woman. Men are expected to have hair on their chin, upper lip and sideburn area. Men can grow a variety of attractive styles of beards, mustaches, and sideburns. If they choose to be clean shaven look, they just razor it off. The stubble that quickly reappears after shaving with its resulting sandpaper feel is considered ruggedly masculine and even sexy. Her face is expected to be smooth. If she shaves it, it will often grow back coarser and thicker. If she leaves it, it is manly and therefore unappealing.

Unfortunately, as a woman ages, the tendencies toward coarse facial hair begins to increase. What used to be fine, light peachfuzz may unexpectedly turn dark and coarse. Some options to get rid of it include bleaching, tweezing, waxing, electrolysis and having laser treatments.

If a woman has dark facial hair, bleaching creams may lighten the effect until the excess fuzz is barely noticeable. Tweezing and waxing will get rid of it temporarily but both methods are painful and the unwanted ones will grow back fairly quickly. Treatments with electrolysis or the laser method are the most permanent ways to have a sleek, hairless face.

Electrolysis is a method that involves the insertion of a sterilized needle into each unwanted follicle. The follicle is the small body cavity from which the actual one grows from. A current of electricity is then sent into the follicle which zaps it and in turn damages or kills it. This method is extremely painful and takes multiple sessions to achieve the desired effect.

The laser method does not provide permanent removal, but the hair-free time period can be fairly long lasting. With this option, a beam of light is sent into the area to damage the follicle. The damaged follicles will produce less or no growth in the future. To achieve a satisfactory result, multiple treatments will also have to be performed. Approximately eighty percent reduction should be apparent after six to eight laser treatments.

There is a chance that the effect might even be permanent after multiple treatments. Another piece of good news about this method is that it doesn't hurt as much as electrolysis. There will be a temporary stinging sensation as the procedure takes place. There will also be redness which should subside within twenty-four hours.

If you are interested in trying one of the above methods to enhance your appearance, most treatments are available through your local dermatologist, plastic surgeon or aesthetician. Make an appointment to discuss your issues to see which treatment type is best for you.

There are various types of facial hair removal treatments, including the electrolysis method and the laser method. Which type is best for you?

With laser hair removal, New Jersey based surgeon helps you get smooth, hair-free body without having to shave. To know more, visit http://www.parkercenterspa.net