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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Laser Hair Removal: Electrolysis Vs Laser

Laser Hair Removal: Electrolysis Vs Laser

- By: Abigail Aaronson

Facial hair can be a troubling physical attribute if you're a woman. Men are expected to have hair on their chin, upper lip and sideburn area. Men can grow a variety of attractive styles of beards, mustaches, and sideburns. If they choose to be clean shaven look, they just razor it off. The stubble that quickly reappears after shaving with its resulting sandpaper feel is considered ruggedly masculine and even sexy. Her face is expected to be smooth. If she shaves it, it will often grow back coarser and thicker. If she leaves it, it is manly and therefore unappealing.

Unfortunately, as a woman ages, the tendencies toward coarse facial hair begins to increase. What used to be fine, light peachfuzz may unexpectedly turn dark and coarse. Some options to get rid of it include bleaching, tweezing, waxing, electrolysis and having laser treatments.

If a woman has dark facial hair, bleaching creams may lighten the effect until the excess fuzz is barely noticeable. Tweezing and waxing will get rid of it temporarily but both methods are painful and the unwanted ones will grow back fairly quickly. Treatments with electrolysis or the laser method are the most permanent ways to have a sleek, hairless face.

Electrolysis is a method that involves the insertion of a sterilized needle into each unwanted follicle. The follicle is the small body cavity from which the actual one grows from. A current of electricity is then sent into the follicle which zaps it and in turn damages or kills it. This method is extremely painful and takes multiple sessions to achieve the desired effect.

The laser method does not provide permanent removal, but the hair-free time period can be fairly long lasting. With this option, a beam of light is sent into the area to damage the follicle. The damaged follicles will produce less or no growth in the future. To achieve a satisfactory result, multiple treatments will also have to be performed. Approximately eighty percent reduction should be apparent after six to eight laser treatments.

There is a chance that the effect might even be permanent after multiple treatments. Another piece of good news about this method is that it doesn't hurt as much as electrolysis. There will be a temporary stinging sensation as the procedure takes place. There will also be redness which should subside within twenty-four hours.

If you are interested in trying one of the above methods to enhance your appearance, most treatments are available through your local dermatologist, plastic surgeon or aesthetician. Make an appointment to discuss your issues to see which treatment type is best for you.

There are various types of facial hair removal treatments, including the electrolysis method and the laser method. Which type is best for you?

With laser hair removal, New Jersey based surgeon helps you get smooth, hair-free body without having to shave. To know more, visit http://www.parkercenterspa.net

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